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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Jdeveloper Salesforce Adapter error

This version of the client is no longer supported

One fine day I opened the jdeveloper and added a new salesforce adapter component. I selected the wsdl and entered the username, password+security key and then "booom!!".

A nasty error message "This version of the client is no longer supported.".

What the heck is wrong with jdeveloper, you worked fine for years and why are you doing this now? grrr!!.

Would you ever give me a meaningful error message?!!


After a bit of research it is same problem we had with the server. Salesforce has disabled TLSv1.0 for all the SSL communications. (Find out more information about this here SalesForce TLS 1.0 has been disabled)

Luckily the solution is simple, just add  the following in your ../jdeveloper/jdev/bin/jdev.conf file:
AddVMOption -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.1 

And restart the Jdeveloper.

Note: This solution should work on both Jdev 12c and 11g

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